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U8s Vipers vs NYSC FC Green (A)- 25th Feb 2023

8 goal thriller!

Match Report

Milnrow Juniors Vipers U8 4-4 NYSC FC Greens U8

Another great match from our boys, which could have gone either way.


Nathan showed great goalkeeping skills, Izaak and William are growing every match, showing more aggressiveness recovering the ball, Lucjan/Aro/Harris were omnipresent on the pitch defending and attacking, and Patrick is growing in confidence and always backing up his team mates.


Unfortunately it wasn't a victory on paper but for their effort it had the taste of a victory for me.

The MOM was William, what an effort our boy left on the pitch.
Unfortunately, after the final chat with the lads I forgot to take pictures😭

WhatsApp Image 2023-02-18 at 12.47.21 PM.jpeg
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