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training SESSIONS

Come & Join Us

Milnrow Juniors is open to boys and girls of all abilities aged from 6-18 years old. We also welcome children (4-6 yr old) into First Kicks which leads into our club teams.


Our philosophy is based on the belief that children will learn best in an environment which is challenging, progressive, fun and exciting. We offer every child, regardless of ability, a solid platform that enables them to grow in ability,

self-confidence and self-esteem.

We aim to develop an understanding of each child’s normal behaviour, characteristics and developmental stages. This personal approach enables us to gain an understanding of how we can best provide for each child’s needs. Our coaches offer an appropriate amount of direction whilst encouraging the children to problem solve themselves. The results are a
joy to see.....More game appropriate interaction with team mates and opponents, faster learning of skills, more game related decision making and more realistic challenges that young players so enjoy.


The content of our training sessions feature two main components – Individual skill development and theme based
SSG’s (small sided games). Skill is encouraged, developed and celebrated. This enables children to become confident and enthusiastic about the game.


These individual skills are then applied in a team environment through the playing of lots of SSG’s, which offer more
player participation, more touches of the ball, more passes attempted, more 1v1's attempted, more goals scored &
more goalkeeper participation.

All small sided age groups (U5-U12s) are considered as one unit and not as individual squads. We will ensure age
groups do not become fragmented – the group only separating for league matches. U13s-U16s are classed as individual squads.


Our aim is to build capacity for the future by retaining sufficient squad sizes and players for junior and in years to come, senior football.


Check out the sessions timings below and complete the online form to get your child registered now. We look forward to seeing you soon!





session timings


What can my child expect?
The very best possible introduction into football


When do we train?

              Mondays 5-6pm             First Kicks, U7 (School Yr 2)

              Mondays 6-7pm              U8/11/12 (School Yr 3,6,7)

              Tuesdays 6-7pm             U9/10/11/14/16 (School Yr 4,5,6,9,10,11)

              Wednesdays 6-7pm       U9/10/16 (School Yr 4/5/11)




Where Will We Play?
Kingsway Sports Centre, Turf Hill Road, Rochdale, OL16 4XA

What Does It Cost?

  • £20/month (Training only. One session/week)

  • £25/month (One training session/week & Saturday or Sunday team games throughout the season)

  • £35/month (One/Two training session(s)/week, plus Saturday & Sunday team games throughout the season)

I confirm that my child is in good health and is able to take part in all activities. If any attention is required for illness or injury, I give permission to a staff member for such care. Milnrow Juniors FC cannot be held responsible for any possessions during any activity.

Thanks for submitting! We'll reply back within 24 hrs

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